Mediation resolves large, growing government/bus operator dispute

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It was obviously important that the contractual dispute between a Southern California municipal transportation entity and a bus company providing riding services to approximately 800,000 customers each day get resolved, and in an optimal manner.

Seemingly, it did, with the Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTA) and Roadrunner Management Services recently coming to terms that resolve past differences and point a way forward in their relationship.

Agreement in the matter that had divided them was reached following their participation in formal mediation, which enabled the parties to bypass the courtroom and an ultimate decision rendered by a state judge or jury.

In a notable manner, the parties went about resolving their impasse in a way that readily highlights two distinct points we make on a relevant page of our website at the Pasadena business and commercial law firm of Larson & Gaston.

The first is this: For parties confronting a clear and growing business problem (especially a contractual dispute that threatens to elevate operational risks and drain key resources), “it is crucial to act early and in the most deliberate way.” From all indications, VCTC and Roadrunner did just that.

And second: The parties obviously reflected in a timely and well-considered way on the resolution mechanism that they reasonably believed would optimally resolve their conflict, among several choices available to them. We note on our site the daunting complexities and challenges that can arise in complex business litigation, which often informs our seasoned legal team that the best way to resolve some matters “is through methods of alternative dispute resolution, including mediation and arbitration.”

As noted above, the disputants in the contractual matter involving Roadrunner’s services to the public opted to deal with business conflict through mediation, which seems to have served them well.

That, of course, will not always turn out to be the case. The particulars surrounding contractual breach obviously differ in every case, which requires careful and proven legal analysis regarding the best manner to address and resolve business conflict.

We welcome contacts to our firm from any business entity in California that seeks studied input and guidance from an experienced legal team with a demonstrated record of promoting the best interests of diverse companies all across the state.