Heightened workplace focus: gender-based pay equality

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This is hopefully a question that even an adolescent can sensibly answer: If mom and dad are at work and doing exactly the same job, should they be paid the same amount of money?

Truth be told, they aren’t, at least not in any collective sense. One provider of online human resources-related news states that, as a group overall, working women in the United States are shorted 21% in pay when compared with the “average” salary men receive.

And, notably, that discrepancy can remarkably be seen in a positive vein, at least from the perspective of bygone decades. The above-cited information source notes that, prior to the passage of seminal wage-related legislation enacted by Congress in 1963, employers across the country could discriminate against women in wage matters with virtual impunity.

Things have changed since then, of course, although that just-referenced 21% disparity serves as a stark reminder that the American workplace still has a long way to go when it comes to achieving relative parity between the sexes in wage earnings.

An interesting point that is noted in the aforementioned article is that, while some employers obviously do intentionally discriminate against women when it comes to salary, many are not acting in any willful manner intended to deprive females of justly earned pay merely because they are women.

In fact, states the publication Society for Human Resource Management, annual compensation analyses conducted by American companies “usually aren’t looking at pay differentials based on gender or race or other demographics.”

Fair pay without gender bias is a top-tier focal point of concern in the American employment realm these days, and destined to remain as such.

Both company principals and workers can have questions and material concerns regarding the subject matter.

A proven employment law attorney can supply answers and, when necessary, diligent legal representation regarding any pay-based labor issue.