Category: Business and Real Estate

  • Macy’s on board with earnings report buoying retail sector

    “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” That quote is attributed to famed American author Mark Twain, who supposedly uttered it following a false report of his death. It seemingly rings true now more than a century later concerning the country’s vast retail universe, which has been under siege from stiff competition offered by…

  • How should a business owner handle a commercial dispute?

    The above query in today’s blog post can be answered in a single word: carefully. Some thorny issues with a contracting entity or other third party can ultimately be resolved in relatively civil fashion, of course, without the need to move forward and invoke a legal process. Others resist that solution, though. They demand a…

  • Business-directed tax changes bring both benefits, some questions

    We note on our website at the Southern California business law firm of Larson & Gaston the complex, multiple and interwoven challenges that company principals face as they go about their daily planning. Issues range widely from contract drafting/compliance and asset purchases to the exploration of transactional opportunities with other entities and worker-related matters. Our overriding goal…

  • Analysts look at the trending “great business remix”

    What is the state of merger-acquisition activity in the United States and internationally? Just take a look at this number, say researchers at the Harvard Business Review: For the third consecutive year, more than 50,000 M&A transactions have been concluded across the globe. That surge of combination-linked commercial activity has likely never before occurred. That…

  • Securing financing: obviously key for many entrepreneurs

    There is likely no busier or preoccupied person on earth than a business entrepreneur engaged in multiple tasks relevant to launching a new and exciting enterprise. Truly, the list of considerations is long, ranging from corporate form and decisions central to business products/services to employee hiring and regulatory approvals. And then there is financing, of…

  • Know your plan to help your business succeed

    Starting a new business has the potential to be a lot of fun, and it’s probably a major dream of yours. There are things you should know as you begin. There are many planning steps that could help you on the path to opening a successful business. To start with, every business should have a…

  • Ikea responds to unsafe product concerns in California, nationally

    Is Swedish furniture maker Ikea’s response to a defective product concern adequate or abysmal? Some commentators think that the company has acted ethically and diligently in a safety matter involving many millions of chests and dressers sold to consumers across the United States. Consumer Product Safety Commission Acting Chairman Ann Marie Buerkle is one supporter.…

  • NDA disputes re California companies can get interesting

    One company is an established tech enterprise headquartered in Florida. The other is a just-coming-to-the-party California startup. The following is their connected story, which is borne of acrimony and marked by contractual complexity. The former company, Citrix, employs workers in Raleigh, North Carolina. So too does Egnyte, the latter entity. Several Citrix employees recently left…

  • Looming litigation in the wake of a mammoth security breach

    “So far, the alleged injury is vague, very indefinite for most people,” says one legal analyst commenting in the wake of what has been described as one of the largest security hacks to have ever occurred in the United States. Equifax fervently hopes that things stay just the same. Because if they don’t, and increasingly…

  • Online shopping sales tax issue: Will SCOTUS take the case?

    Imagine politicians in one state purposefully drafting legislation to fail in its first assessment by a court. That is precisely what has happened in South Dakota, with the national publication Bloomberg noting that a statute enacted by legislators there “was specifically drafted so the state’s highest court could quickly reject it and send it up…

  • Business formation variables: getting those IP ducks in a row

    An industry commentator notes in an intellectual property-themed article relevant to business startups that many entrepreneurs materially neglect paying timely attention to a critically important matter when they begin their enterprises. And here is an additional thing, notes IP specialist Tom Kulik: That inattention is not confined to novice business actors with no real understanding…

  • An obviously big focal point in construction projects: cranes

    We note on a relevant page of our website at Larson & Gaston, LLP, in Pasadena, that “commercial real property issues … can open up significant legal exposure and costs.” We further stress on that page that the sources of those issues are wide-ranging, including construction-related disputes. A recent article authored by the insurance publication Claims Journal…

  • Analyzing business failure to drive success, Part 2

    We noted in our immediately preceding blog post that a materially high percentage of businesses across the United States cease operations within a handful of years owing to various challenges that company owners either failed to perceive or simply did not adequately prepare for. And, having noted that, we pointed to a silver lining linked…

  • Promoting business success through a study of failures

    The glass “has to be half full.” In making reference to that in an article on entrepreneurialism and entity start-ups, the publication Business Insider means this: Any new commercial enterprise seeking to enter, profit and endure in the business world must have at least a modicum of well-placed hope for success. Entering America’s rough-and-tumble commercial…

  • Federal class-action rule passed, now certain to face opposition

    OK, it finally passed. Now, here’s the uppercase question: What next? A federal rule declared last week by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has understandably enthused — even enthralled — scores of millions of consumers across the country and principals with advocacy groups promoting the public’s rights against big financial institutions. Yet its fate seems…

  • When it’s right, franchising can be the ideal business vehicle

    Diverse businesses across Southern California contemplate and sometimes pursue commercial activities across a nearly limitless universe of potentially profitable opportunities. And proven business and commercial law attorneys help them explore those opportunities wherever they emerge, crafting sound legal strategies that both minimize risk and promote optimal outcomes. On any given day, commercial entities in the…

  • Fed up with the bank: CA bill seeks to invalidate contract clause

    You live with the contractual terms you knowingly agreed with. Although there are certain limited exceptions to that dictum (select permutations, if you will; public policy restraints come readily to mind), most adults who execute contracts in California and nationally know that they are tasked with abiding by the material terms and conditions stated therein.…

  • Health care principal seeking to buy or sell? Read this.

    If you’re a business owner in an acquisition stage or, alternatively, contemplating a company sale, there is certainly a lot to think about. The direction your industry is trending in — if that is discernible through close analysis of relevant variables and factors — is something you’re certainly looking at. Is your business in an…

  • 2017 tax planning for a California business: some considerations

    If you’re a proven California business owner or principal, no one needs to tell you that your enterprise must be absolutely focused on state and federal tax rules and policies at all times. That means every day of the year. And, of course, every year. Business-related tax implications are decidedly a big deal. Company managers…

  • California class action suit spotlights insurance coverage denials

    Hartford Life principals argue that they’re simply trying to inject some common sense and boundaries regarding reasonable parameters germane to a key contract provision in select life insurance contracts inked with California policyholders. State class action plaintiffs advance an alternative position, grounded in a quote from one claimant that he and fellow class members were…