Category: Business and Real Estate

  • Gig Economy Companies Win Big at the Polls

    As the country waited to see who the next President would be, gig economy companies like Uber and Lyft picked up a big win in California on election night. The companies, and others, poured millions into Proposition 22, and it was an investment that paid off. Ever since California passed AB5, gig economy companies began their…

  • Changes to AB5 Brings Relief for Some But Not All

    Ever since the passage of AB5, numerous industries have taken aim at changing the law. Some of the bigger challenges have come from the transportation sector, including not just Uber and Lyft, but also from the trucking industry as well. As these challenges continue, both through the courts and proposed ballot initiatives for November, the…

  • Uber and Lyft’s California Operations in Limbo with Continuing AB5 Challenges

    Since AB5 came into effect in California the government has used multiple avenues to enforce the new law. This has put a target on Uber and Lyft in particular, as two of the biggest companies impacted by the law, and the ones that were also the main target of its passage to being with. However,…

  • COVID-19 Pandemic: California Employers May Be Required to Reimburse Employees for Remote Work Expenses Incurred During ‘Safer at Home’ Orders  

    On March 20, 2020, Gov. Gavin Newsome issued a statewide shelter-in-place order requiring residents to stay indoors except for certain essential activities, which include buying food and seeking medical treatment.  Residents are not supposed to leave home for work unless they work for an “essential” business, which includes health care.  In compliance with the order…

  • COVID-19 Pandemic: Boom and Concerns for Technology Apps in the Time of Pandem

    Coronavirus abruptly and completely changed our lives. From a business perspective, this has caused tremendous difficulty across all sectors with furloughs, layoffs, and unemployment skyrocketing almost overnight. While many businesses struggle to get through these times, many technology companies and apps are primed to work as resources, especially for businesses looking to stay running and…

  • COVID-19 Pandemic: Employee’s paid sick leave and supporting documentation

    Employers are at different stages of dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. Here we attempt to summarize some of the information about new laws and administrative guidance issued in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Some of this information will not apply to all employers, particularly depending on what state and local orders are (or are not)…

  • Positive Signs for the Retail Market as Holiday Season Kicks Off

    The holiday season is upon us and for retailers that means the busiest and most important time of year. How things go over the next month could in some cases determine whether or not the year can be considered a successful one. As the season kicks off, it appears there are positive trends for at…

  • Big Retailers Test Customer’s Desire for Convenience

    As covered on this blog, online sellers and brick and motors continue a back and forth struggle for business. Recently, large retail sellers Amazon and Walmart have looked to add a new level of convenience to online shopping that could provide a breakthrough, if consumers are in fact open to the idea. The companies have, and continue to work…

  • Disappointing IPOs Could Mean Big Changes from Gig Economy on Out

    After Lyft’s rocky IPO, Uber hoped for better but found itself in just as much difficulty after recently going public. Unfortunately for the company, the trouble didn’t stop there as Uber then posted a billion dollar quarterly loss. Unsurprisingly, Uber doesn’t plan to sit back as losses mount. While the company’s IPO was disappointing, it is still highly valued,…

  • Uber Looks to Avoid Lyft’s Struggles

    It has been a little over a month since Lyft’s trading debut, which after a strong start quickly struggled and continues to decline. Now Uber looks to avoid the same fate is it prepares for its upcoming debut. Uber recently announced an initial valuation of between $80 and $91 billion dollars, a number that towers over Lyft’s…

  • Brick and Mortars Store Closures A Warning Sign to the Market

    As discussed on this blog, the retail industry, specifically brick and mortar stores, have found some perhaps unexpected good signs and wins as of late in their bid to maintain a model that looks to be displaced by online retailers. However, recent events indicate brick and mortars may not be taking an upward swing, as the planned closings of retail…

  • Lyft IPO Looks to Plant Flag for Gig Economy

    As discussed on this blog recently, gig economy companies have been changing the face of employment with more and more people being employed and impacted by the rising industry. On March 29, Lyft added to this evolving story with its successful trading debut. Lyft’s shares rose 8.7%, rising to $87.24 from its $72 offering price. This, it’s noted, makes…

  • Obtaining Employee Background Checks? Get It Right or Get Ready!

    It is entirely common for employers to seek consumer reports and background checks on prospective and current employees. However, the law governing how the employer can go about this can be tricky, and if done wrong leads to a massive legal nightmare. The most recent example of this is Gilberg v. Cal. Check Cashing Stores, LLC.…

  • FedEx Looks to Shake Up Delivery Industry

    As discussed previously on this blog, the transportation market is rapidly evolving both in terms of the laws governing it and in the nature of the business itself. Now, FedEx is looking to bring the next innovation along as it announced plans for last-minute robot delivery for companies such as Pizza Hut and Walmart. This new development will…

  • Beyond California, Litigation in Other States Could Also Upend the Trucking Industry

    In California, the ongoing litigation around the definition of an employee versus independent contractor and the rules for meal and rest breaks threaten to upend the trucking industry. While these issues are understandably garnering significant attention, there are others across the country that could also have a large impact. Currently, a case in Arkansas may leave the industry forced…

  • A New Year Brings New Hope to Retailers

    Despite untimely obituaries written for brick and mortar stores, your everyday physical stores staved off extinction. Lately, they’ve also started to pick up some wins over online sellers, as they not only defend their business models but also strike back. As we kick off 2019, these brick and mortars appear to be finding new hope. Brick and…

  • The Changing Gig Economy

    For the last several years there’s been both excitement and concern over the gig economy that seems to be growing by the day, as it starts to become the norm for more and more workers. With the explosion of companies like Lyft and Postmates, many more companies have come onto the scene. However, of late,…

  • Gap Inc. Strives to Benefit from Increased Diversity

    Companies are always looking for ways to improve how well their business runs, and ultimately their bottom line. Over the years, many people have touted the positive impact diversity can have on a company. Now, Gap Inc. is doubling down on their efforts to build through diversity. Gap’s “This Way Ahead” program was previously a…

  • Brick-and-Mortar Stores Chalk Up Rare Win Against Online Retailers

    Ever since retailers like Amazon showed up on the scene it seems like brick-and-mortar stores have been fighting off blow after blow as online retailers took over seemingly every industry. But on June 21, 2018, the brick and mortars landed an unexpected blow to their online retailer opponents. In the final week of its current…

  • Media’s future is now and it may drag other industries with it.

    On June 12, 2018, Judge Richard Leon ruled that AT&T’s purchase of Time Warner could proceed over the objection of the Department of Justice. The purchase makes AT&T the new proud owner of entertainment organizations like HBO and CNN. So your final season of Game of Thrones will now be brought to you by AT&T. The…